Kisii Town: Number of Hospitals Accessible within 25 minutes from popualtion point
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# Interactive accessiblity map
join.explore(column="access_Hospitals", scheme='natural_breaks',cmap="plasma")
Out[ ]:
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
Population Distribution -Kisii Town
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# Population grid
origins.explore(column='Population', scheme='natural_breaks',cmap="plasma")
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Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
Accessibility Modelling
Using the R5Py library to calculate the travel time matrix and analyze the accessibility of urban amenities The R5Py library, is a Python wrapper for the R5 routing engine. R5 is a multimodal routing engine that can be used to calculate travel times between locations in a city using different modes of transport, such as walking, cycling, and public transport. It is open-source, efficient and use real-time data and OpenStreetMap to provide accurate travel time estimates.
R5Py calculates the travel time matrix between origins and destinations.